Everything to Know About Braces or Invisalign, what are They and Their Benefits

braces and invisalign

Teeth straightening is one of the many solutions dentists offer for their patients with irregularly shaped teeth.

This can be achieved with the help of Invisalign or braces. Both offer effective results as promised, but they are different and FDA-approved devices for the necessary usage.

Bigman Orthodontics is a famous team of expert dentists in San Ramon, CA. They are experts in handling anything related to braces and invisalign.

You can visit their official website to learn how they work and everything about these procedures. Check the website to get all the information.


Invisalign is an ideal choice for handling crooked teeth problem. This device is an orthodontic solution and is also known as invisible braces or clear aligners.

Each piece is custom-made based on the patient’s dental structure and length. They are molded from the best-quality plastic and are directly applied to the teeth.

After installation, the Invisalign device will start aligning the crooked teeth by pushing them onto the perfect lining and position.


The benefits of installing an invisalign device are many because of their ease of usage.

Some are listed below.

  • Clear plastic aligners are completely invisible even after installation. Each piece is specially molded for a person, so they can fit perfectly on any tooth.
  • They are made to fit perfectly onto the teeth and will not cause cuts or bruises on the gum or lip.
  • You can easily floss or brush even while wearing them.
  • You can enjoy every food item, irrespective of whether it is sticky, complex, or chewy.
  • Once installed, visiting your dentist as frequently as required is unnecessary. You can make an appointment as and when required.
  • Braces
  • Braces are the traditional form of teeth straightening devices, having been in use for many decades. These metal devices are etched directly on the teeth, requiring their positioning and shape corrections.
  • Benefits
  • The benefits of the installation of these metal braces are many. Some are listed below.
  • These are ideal for all kinds of complex tooth corrections. They are directly attached to the tooth and, hence, very effective.
  • You can choose to install these braces either above or below the teeth. They are quite discreet in their presence, as wires or brackets are not involved in their installations.
  • Only a dentist can install or remove these braces. You need not worry about removing them while eating or sleeping.
  • You can enjoy drinking all kinds of beverages without accidentally damaging the braces.
  • Cost
  • The charges for installing Invisalign for at least 24 months are $3000 to $7000, and the cost for braces for 24 months of installation is $2000 to $6000.
  • The overall cost and the requirement to wear them might vary based on the severity of your teeth’s crookedness.
  • If you are a social butterfly and prefer your teeth straighteners to stay hidden, then invisalign is the best choice.
  • However, metal braces are best for people with severe dental impairment. Consult your dentist for the right suggestion.

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